Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Staying Relevant in Cyber and Information Security: PODCASTS!

    Staying up to date is absolutely essential to remaining relevant in your field.  Here, I've curated most of the podcasts I listen to, arranged in a few different categories.

Daily - Morning Listens (every weekday morning):

As They Are Published (mostly time-sensitive content):
  • Paul's Security Weekly
    • ~3 hours
    • Phenomenally insightful and funny cyber security show "for security professionals, by security professionals"
    • I always get something useful from this show
    • http://securityweekly.com/
  • Risky Business
    • ~60 minutes
    • Weekly cyber security news and analysis
    • Very insightful, regularly voted one of the top industry podcasts
    • https://risky.biz/
  • Security Weekly News
    • Another podcast in the Paul's Security Weekly network (several of these are worth the listen if you've got the time and interest)
    • ~30 min, twice weekly
    • News and insight, then a show recap from the rest of the network's offerings [ie. Paul's Security Weekly, Enterprise Security Weekly, Application Security Weekly, etc.]
    • http://hacknaked.tv/
  • Talkin' About Infosec News
  • Defensive Security Podcast

As They Become Available (not necessarily time-sensitive content):
  • Darknet Diaries
  • Malicious Life
    • ~30-60 min
    • Similar to Darknet Diaries (but with a specific underwriter), with a lot more episodes
    • https://malicious.life/
  • Cyber Security Interviews
  • Command Line Heroes
  • The Idealcast with Gene Kim
    • ~90-120 min
    • DevOps-focused podcast, with insights that can contribute to the improvement of most projects from the author of "The Unicorn Project"
    • https://itrevolution.com/
  • Caveat
  • Down the Security Rabbithole
  • Click Here
    • ~20-30 min
    • Former NPR journalist focuses specifically on cyber and intelligence, providing industry insight with geopolitical context
    • From Recorded Future
    • https://therecord.media/podcast/
  • Programming Throwdown
    • ~60-90 min
    • Two computer scientists describe and discuss programming languages and technologies
    • Surprisingly interesting and good primers to languages and technologies you may not be familiar with
    • http://www.programmingthrowdown.com/

Other Podcasts with Topical Interest:

    It's a long list.  But there's always something to learn.

    I don't necessarily listen to every single episode of each of these (except the daily ones), and I generally listen at accelerated speed (about 1.2-1.5x).  I listen to several podcasts that inevitably cover the same thing, because there's usually some decent insight to be gained by listening to several different opinions.

    It has been a tremendous source of pride to be able to provide current, relevant information to my leadership, as well as provide insight as to what the geopolitical effects might be.

    Happy Listening!!

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Staying Relevant in Cyber & Information Security

    Hi folks!  I know it's been a while since I posted, but there's been a lot going on in the world and my life.  I am hoping to post more frequently in the future, but some words from you can help motivate me!

    Anyway, here is today's post...

    Staying up to date in a field like cyber & information security can be as difficult as it is important.  Being effective in a security professional role requires that you maintain some level of awareness of the landscape in which you operate.  With all the different sources available, choosing some that are worthwhile can be a daunting task.

    This is a presentation I gave to several colleagues last year.  Some of the newer folks were struggling with strategies to keep up with the ever-evolving digital security landscape, and I put this together as an example.  

    I hope it may help anyone who is struggling with the problem of staying relevant.

    As always, comment below with your thoughts and additional ideas to share!

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I'm working on some thoughts about the ODNI report on Federal Agencies purchasing Commercially-Available Information (CAI for short), an...